Numărul răniților după coliziunea dintre două tramvaie produsă sâmbătă în gara din Strasbourg este de 68, potrivit bilanţului final publicat duminică de prefectura orașului din estul Franței. Potrivit autorităților, coliziunea a avut loc la ora locală 15.30 şi ar fi fost cauzată de o eroare de comutare: un tramvai în mişcare a fost direcţionat către […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that two trams collided in Strasbourg, France, resulting in 68 injuries.
The collision was caused by one tram being moved backward and onto the wrong track, leading to a frontal impact. Thankfully, there were no fatalities and no individuals in critical condition. The accident caused major disruptions to tram services and bus access to the central station.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that two trams collided in Strasbourg, France, resulting in 68 injuries. The collision was caused by one tram being moved backward and onto the wrong track, leading to a frontal impact. Thankfully, there were no fatalities and no individuals in critical condition. The accident caused major disruptions to tram services and bus access to the central station.